
Motors are Turning

While we are not the thermographer for this wonderful illustration this image shows a difference in heat signatures between the front and back DC motor housings. If these are both working at the same rate, pressure, time etc… I would notify the facilitator immediately of this finding. It could be a pump with a bearing issue, flow rate issue or something different altogether.

Book a thermal inspection today!

Detect Energy Loss

Detect Energy Loss

This image taken in January 2015 shows a warm interior home with a very cold winter day. The double front doors show cold air flowing into the home as denoted by the darker colors. The lighter colors to the bottom left and righ are both heat exchanges. The issue was corrected by replacing the weather stripping along the bottom of both double doors!

Get your home evaluation now!

Water Damage

After much of the mess having been cleared up dampness was found in the walls and baseboards.








Below is evidence of water already creeping up the height of the walls roughly 3.5 feet.








Water can be seen in some of the stored items in this utility room.








The floor is still cooler where the water was at 3 days after disaster restoration professionals showed up.









Ultimately, the before pictures (not listed) and the post devastation imaging (specific image not listed) was used by the home owner to prove the damage and assist the contractors in the repairs of this home.